Male Iguana on Campus

Male Iguana on Campus
He stopped by the Anatomy Labs for a brief photo-op.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Study Break: Catch up on Photos

So I need to take a study break. Well, actually I should really be pouring over my Netter's anatomy text book right now and intensely memorizing GI and reproductive anatomy. Nah. Here are some pictures taken over the past semester or two on this island/at this medical school. Enjoy!

My desk at home...the Skull (on loan, and plastic not a real one) and list. Studying for the neuroanatomy practical!

Hehe. Mr.Skull showing some Longhorn Spirit!

Portsmouth, next town over from Picard, where Ross is located

My dad visited to help me move back to the States for my semester off. We stayed at PBH.

View of the beach from Portsmouth Beach Hotel

Me, relaxing

Swati and I asking for directions in Roseau