Male Iguana on Campus

Male Iguana on Campus
He stopped by the Anatomy Labs for a brief photo-op.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

OFF THE ROCK! Back in the USA!

MEDICAL SCHOOL LIFE UPDATE! I am back on American soil!

Things I no longer have to worry about on a daily basis:

Ross' island campus rivers, oceans, streets
"The Shacks" a.ka. dysentery dining


So many rainbows, every time it rains!

These little (big) guys

Hand made bonfires on the beach, biolumenescent plankton in the ocean at night

Amazing sunsets over the Caribbean Ocean each day

Having passed my last year of basic sciences (first 2 years completed) I have moved to Miramar, Florida to complete my Pre-Clinical Semester and prepare for the first Board Exam. 

I am currently studying for the COMP exam, a comprehensive exam we are required to pass before being allowed to take the USMLE Step 1 (first Board Exam). I have only had enough spare time to set up my apartment and figure out where the grocery store and main campus is. I have not had the chance to go to Miami beach or any other nearby beach. I am excited to explore the beach, Miami, and the Everglades once this test is over. I really hope I pass/do well, as this has some minor influence on my future Clinical Rotation placements.

Basically life is no different than the island (apart from the obvious First world differences) because I still have that same crazy study schedule and have little time for myself. I am hoping this will change when the COMP is over and I can fully return to being "human".

I haven't decided if I will start a new blog or continue this one since I am no longer on the Island.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

REBLOGGED: My Kind of Bhakti.: Peace by Vasudha

I am so proud of my friend Vasudha. As over-used as it the metaphor is, I think of her and I as yin and yang. She being the lighter, peaceful half and I the darker, conflicted half. We are both strong women, but we view life and the world around us very different. I think this mostly stems from our own life experiences, our upbringing, and our inherent personalities. I miss my other half these days. We used to have weekly coffee dates to discuss life and I miss having her more positive perspective to balance me out.

Lately I have been seriously lacking Balance. I'm starting to believe that this the ultimate goal to achieve in all aspects of ones life: Balance. At the moment there is only ONE aspect to my life: medicine. Hopefully when I get back to the States I will have a couple more, like reconnecting with family and friends, and starting a relationship. I'm at the age and in a profession where I desperately need both of these components to support me.

I like how Vasudha views Hinduism, and although she discusses it's "peaceful foundation", I also think that like Buddhism, Hinduism is about balance.

Read her latest post here:

My Kind of Bhakti.: Peace: Before I start this post, I just want to take a moment and acknowledge what happened in Wisconsin this Sunday. My heart goes out to the Sik...

More later!