Male Iguana on Campus

Male Iguana on Campus
He stopped by the Anatomy Labs for a brief photo-op.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

REBLOGGED: My Kind of Bhakti.: Peace by Vasudha

I am so proud of my friend Vasudha. As over-used as it the metaphor is, I think of her and I as yin and yang. She being the lighter, peaceful half and I the darker, conflicted half. We are both strong women, but we view life and the world around us very different. I think this mostly stems from our own life experiences, our upbringing, and our inherent personalities. I miss my other half these days. We used to have weekly coffee dates to discuss life and I miss having her more positive perspective to balance me out.

Lately I have been seriously lacking Balance. I'm starting to believe that this the ultimate goal to achieve in all aspects of ones life: Balance. At the moment there is only ONE aspect to my life: medicine. Hopefully when I get back to the States I will have a couple more, like reconnecting with family and friends, and starting a relationship. I'm at the age and in a profession where I desperately need both of these components to support me.

I like how Vasudha views Hinduism, and although she discusses it's "peaceful foundation", I also think that like Buddhism, Hinduism is about balance.

Read her latest post here:

My Kind of Bhakti.: Peace: Before I start this post, I just want to take a moment and acknowledge what happened in Wisconsin this Sunday. My heart goes out to the Sik...

More later!


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