Male Iguana on Campus

Male Iguana on Campus
He stopped by the Anatomy Labs for a brief photo-op.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Back Again

So after the ordeal of having to appeal to the Dean of my university to allow me to return the decision was made to allow me to retake the final from 1st semester. Instead of staying in the U.S. to study I have decided to come back to the island for the month and a half before my exam to study and make use of professor office hours. The 3rd exam was the hardest for me last semester so I'm focusing on this one the most. After re-watching the first two lectures I'm starting to fill in the mental blanks for information that I didn't pick up the first time around. It's a good feeling to actually have time to learn the material thoroughly. I really do love the material, I mean where else can you learn so much about the most minute details of physiological and cellular mechanisms? It's so cool!
Lately I've been reading a series by Tess Gerritsen, an internal medicine doc, about a two-woman homicide detective team. One woman, Jane Rizzoli is an experienced homicide detective and the other, Dr. Maura Isles is a first-rate Medical Examiner. Gerritsen makes each character as flawed and lovable as the next. Both are strong women working in male-dominated fields and have entertaining quirks that make you wish you were best friends with them. While I love Jane's ballsy attitude and independence, Dr. Isles is who I really admire. She has a working knowledge of all technology pertaining to forensic medicine as well as the medicine docs usually practiceon the living. Rachel has said time and time again that she could see me as a Medical Examiner. While I have always been intrigued with forensic anthropology and forensic pathology...I just don't see myself spending hours with dead people. But, hey, you never know what area of medicine I will end up in. I sure don't have a clue.
There is also an amazing show loosely based off of the characters called "Rizzoli & Isles" which takes a much lighter tone than the novels. Never-the-less I'm a real sucker for TV or movie adaptations of books so I'm kind of addicted to this show now as well.
I do have to warn you that the books are not for the weak of stomach--it's a good thing that I have spent hours hovering over, cutting open and poking at cadavers because the details of the book are gruesome and intriguingly grotesque at best. Guess you kinda have to have the sick and twisted mind of a pathologist to find them interesting. :)

I'm heading to Roseau with Swati tomorrow to find some propane for her (the island has had a major shortage) and to buy basic kitchen/food things since everything in Picard is crappy and expensive.

More soon!

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